September 1, 1997

be gone

While working in an office in Westmount some co-workers mentioned some bizarre activity going on in the accounting rooms. When I took a look I got very familiar feelings (similar to those from the black things at my old apt). I noticed as I walked through the room any place where there was less light the feelings were stronger, and when I turned on lights or opened the window blinds the feelings weakened considerably.

This went on for a few days, or I should say evenings as I worked the 4 pm - midnight shift. the room was colder and colder no matter what the thermostat was set to. And people were feeling more and more uncomfortable.

The next evening at work I brought in my sage stick and some sage oil and did the best I could to clean the room of the presence that we felt. I left drops of oil at all doors and on the sills of each window. The room smelled like turkey stuffing for a few days, but the uncomfortable feelings and cold chills disappeared.

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